
The Neighbourhood Development Plan was made on 20/5/21 and is now used in all planning applications. See the Neighbourhood Plan page for details

Current live planning applications are set out below

you may comment on the applications by visiting the South Hams District Council website, clicking on planning then click search for planning application. Please read the guidance for submitting comments and note that all previous comments on applications are not stored by SHDC, each application should be treated on its own merit not on previous applications.

There are 3 planning application in the parish at the moment

4064/24/LBC Listed building consent to remove supporting wall between kitchen & dining room. Hillside Kingston TQ7 4QD For Mr & Mrs Tait.

3781/24/TPO T1: Ash (TPO Ref341) – Fell using tracked MEWP to access crown, sectionally dismantle to as close to ground level as possible. Grind stump to as low to ground as possible including any major surrounding roots – erial canker bleed from the stem, possible Phytophthora in the absence of ADBD in the crown adjacent 4 Westentown. For Guinness Hermitage Ltd.

3653/24/HHO For Sian Boston, New side extension with glazed gable end & decked terrace incorporate massing of existing lean to, new roof & walls to be extruded halfway across deck to create small veranda.

2622/24/TCA for Martyn Everett, Fell diseased Ash. Ivy Cottage. Approved

3118/24/HHO For Ian Fallon Householder application for proposed single storey extension to existing dwelling. Walfords Barn. Conditional Approval

2660/23/FUL For PJ EE White & Son, for earth lined slurry store, Wonwell Court Farm. Has Been Withdrawn

2730/24/TCA for Bob Musk, G1: Group of Elms – Fell, dead and dying, dutch elm disease.  Approved.

2084/24/HHO 3 Rock Cottages. Application for larger side extension and larger garden room, study, office. Has been Withdrawn.

Planning appeal.

an appeal has been made to the Secretary of State in respect of Walfords Barn 1434/23/HHO. The  appeal follows the refusal of planning permission by this Council.  The appeal has been dismissed. ( refusal)

1075/24/CLP 6 Church Park. Certificate of lawfulness for proposed conversion of garage to playroom/ study space. Conditional approval.

1372/24/VAR The Coach House, Kingston. Application for the variation of condition 2 (accommodation use) of planning consent 29/2375/02/F, Conditional approval.

0945/24/HHO For Marion Cross. Householder application for proposed replacement windows & replacement of perspex conservatory roof with standing seam zinc. Wonwell Gate Cottage. Approval has been granted.

3500/23/TCA, For Helen Mayhew. T1 Holly Fell, T2 Oak fell. No  objection raised.

2967/23/FUL For Mr W Rahder, For steel portal framed building and associated landscaping, adjacent the existing grain store and dryer at Langston Cross. Approval has been granted

3029/23/HHO For Mr & Mrs Woodrow, for 1st floor extension above store room, Brae Cottage. Approval has been granted.

2439/23/HHO For Mr I Fallon, for a single storey extension. Walfords Barn. Torr. Once again this has been refused.

An appeal against the refusal of 0761/20/OPA,  Outline permission for 12 house at Vicarage park has been lodged by VPL LTD. Documents can be found on the planning portal using the original reference number. This has once again been dismissed

2070/23/HHO For Patrick Joseph for alterations and extension to dwelling, Clyng Mill. Has been approved.
1099/23/TPO For Gina Dowling, works to trees between 3 Overlangs and Westentown Has been allowed.

1434/23/HHO for Mr & Mrs Fallon. Single storey extension, Watford’s Barn. Kingston TQ74HA. This has been refused.

1431/23/HHO. For Stuart Patrick, Householder application for replacement Air source heat pump. The Old Chapel, Kingston. TQ74PU  Conditional Approval.

0559/23/HHO  For Mr Patrick Joseph householder application for kitchen extension, building a connector between buildings & enclosing an open shed, Clyng Mill.TQ7 4HA this has been refused.

0623/23 AGR for grain store at Langston Farm,  Prior approval required and refused.

3780/22/VAR For Ms Susan Foy.Application for variation of condition 2 (approved plans) and condition 3 (Landscaping scheme) of planning consent 2435/20/VAR Higher Gabberwell. Refusal. Update 8th April 24, this has been granted permission on appeal.

Planning appeal.

An appeal has been lodged by Mr & Mrs Michael Pearson to the Secretary of State in respect of the land adjacent Higher Gabberwell. The appeal follows the refusal of planning permission by this SHDC The appeal will be determined on the basis of written representation. Appeal reference: APP/K1128/W/21/3287119 if you use the original application number on the South hams planning portal you can view the reasons 1944/18/FUL.       The appeal has been dismissed ( Refused)

2275/22/FUL for demolition and replacement dwelling. Appletreewyke for Mr & Mrs Leyland Full Planing Approval has been granted.

4615/21/FUL for Repair and conversion of stone barn, to provide 2 dwellings. Langston Farm for W Rhader, Reachswitch LTD, (resubmission of 3484/20/FUL The parish council support this application. Conditional approval has been granted.

1412/22/FUL for 2 storey extension to the Reading Room. For Kingston Parish Council. Conditional approval has been granted.

0761/20/OPA For 12 houses in Vicarage park with access through Westentown, For VPL Ltd. The Parish Council have objected to this application. Refusal issued 12/7/22.

0849/22/FUL for demolition and replacement dwelling, Appletreewyke for Mr & Mrs Leyland. The parish council support this application. This has been Withdrawn.

0741/22/HHO for carport on existing hard standing at Orchard Cottage for Mr Francis. The parish council objected. This has been granted conditional approval

0656/22/TCA T1 cherry, Fell. T2 holly, pollard to 2.5mtr  from the ground. Wheel Row. For Jerry Barnes, No Objections free works allowed.

0047/22/FUL  For roof over silage pit. 1of3.  Conditional approval granted 9/3/22

0048/22/FUL For roof over slurry pit. 2of3 conditional approval granted 9/3/22

0049/22/FUL For roof over Yard.  3of3 All for PF White Wonwell Court Farm. Conditional approval granted 9/3/22

1718/21/TCA  T1: Cupressus – Crown height reduction by 5m and removal of overhanging branches on North West side; T2: Cupressus – Crown height reduction by 5m and removal of overhanging branches on North West side; T3: Cupressus – Fell; T4: Cupressus – Crown height reduction by 4m  Old Forge. For June Wilkinson. Conditional approval granted 

3496/21/HHO for extension and loft conversion, 4Arnolds Close for Mr & Mrs Fawcett. Conditional approval

3484/20/FUL For conversion of stone barn to 2 dwellings, For Reachswitch Ltd. Parish council have supported this application. Withdrawn by applicant.

1152/21/OPA For detached dwelling, rear of 17 Yellands Park, for Mrs Sue Walker. This has been refused

0932/21/LBC For replacement wooden windows, Park Cottage, For Ms G  Rogers Conditional Approval Granted

1986/21/VAR variation of conditions 2 drawings & 4 Doors and windows to 3617/20/HHO Hillside for Mr Tait. Conditional approval granted

2428/21/VAR variation of conditions 2 drawings &4 doors and Windows to 3618/20/LBC Hillside for Mr Tait. Conditional Approval granted

2513/21/HHO For 1st floor extension to form bedroom, Wastor Farm, For Mr K J Dewer. Conditional approval granted

1568/21/LBC  Listed Building Consent to replace rear and north facing opening windows casements with new double glazed openers to the same shape size and finish as existing windows along with the south facing French doors. Hillside, For Mr and Mrs Tait. Supported by the parish council Conditional Approval has been granted 

1569/21/LBC Listed building consent to alter existing bathroom, incorporate adjoining bedroom, move hot water cylinder and airing cupboard. hillside For Mr and Mrs Tait. Supported by the parish council Conditional Approval has been granted

1570/21/LBC Listed Building Consent to install a new boiler sited in the utility room with flue passing through the side wall and the siting of underground gas storage tank.Hillside, For Mr and Mrs Tait. Supported by the parish council Conditional Approval has been granted

17721/21/HHO Householder application for demolition of conservatory, formation of new extension. Roughly Elk, for Mr A Maher. Supported by Parish council Conditional Approval has been granted

1773/21/HHO, Householder application for demolition of single storey side extension and detached garage, replacement & landscaping, Britannia cottage, for Mr Durbin. Supported by parish council Conditional Approval granted
1944/18/FUL for a detached dwelling, land near Higher Gabberwell House, For Mr & Mrs Pearson. Revised plan of site now submitted, the Parish council has objected to the re advertised proposal as it does not accord with the emerging neighbourhood plan. This has been refused.

1120/21/HHO for pitched roof conversion on existing garage to provide bedroom and studio.  Greenlands, for Liz Soar. This has been approved.